Please complete our Outreach Evaluation Survey



Referral Forms

Please note: We do not accept referrals of children with a diagnosis of Autism as the specialist outreach service from Springhallow special school are commissioned to provide this support.  Click here to go to the Springhallow outreach page


Ealing Primary Centre Outreach Service individual pupil referral form

Please use the above form to make referrals of children


Ealing Primary Centre Outreach Service training and support referral

Please use the above form to request training or whole class/school support


School credit amounts 2023-24 


Ealing Primary Centre dual roll placement information

Please see the above for information on dual roll placements


Ealing Primary Centre dual roll placement request form

Please us the above form to request dual roll placements at Ealing Primary Centre


 Ealing Primary Centre dual roll safeguarding statement