The individual programme of work for pupils attending the Ealing Primary Centre varies according to their needs.
We aim to offer a broad, balanced and relevant curriculum. An emphasis is placed on developing Maths and English for all pupils. We also cover Science, Humanities, Art and Craft, Food Technology, Personal and Social Education, Games and Computing.
An important part of the Curriculum is Personal and Social Education, including Social Skills. In these lessons we aim to help pupils to explore relevant issues and build up their self-esteem, their self-discipline and their self-knowledge. We also try to help our children develop the skills to get on well with others.
Physical education takes place on site and is organised to enable the pupils to join in team games and to encourage them to co-operate and play together.
All children attend a school trip once every half term.
We use the Read Write Inc Phonics scheme in Key Stage 1.
Any parent wishing to discuss any aspect of the Curriculum further should contact Mr Hicks (Headteacher).
Dually Registered Children's Curriculum